31.07.17 — 15.09.17

Lin Ke: As the Univers is in Our Folders,
5 Video Compilation


The Universe Folder, Single-channel video, 2010, 4’06”
The Universe Folder 02, Single-channel video, 2010, 3’48”
North Korea’s Epic, Single-channel video, 2010, 3’06”
Star Door Above the Sea, Single-channel video, 2013, 14’36”
Star Door Above the Clouds, Single-channel video, 2013, 11’29”

Arthub is very delighted to present Lin Ke’s 5 video compilation in this summer of 2017. We would like to thank Lin Ke, Gallery Yang, and Tria for the supportive works. Without their cooperation, we can’t make this screening happen.

Besides the online screening, Arthub is also presenting the videos in our Exhibition on the Table project. At the mean time, not only would the audience view the artworks in the physical space, but also available to view the AR videos on their phones by scanning the programmed stills in the space.

All the artworks in this screening are accessible in the AR book Lin Ke, in the occasion of the screening, we are presenting Penny Liu’s text from the book here.

text/Penny Liu

We live in the era of the Internet. Due to this changed environment, our experience of life differs immensely from the ones of earlier generations. Our reality today is relying heavily on computers and the Internet. This relationship between the reality and virtual world also offers a rich source for artists to reflect on. Both worlds are depending on each other in order to exist, but at the same time these two worlds are becoming estranged from each other.

In the past, this dichotomy has been portrayed as parallel entities, making a strong distinction between the individual living in either of them. This narrative does not apply anymore, it is not accurate anymore, because to cut the human from its subjectiveness is a much outdated and one-sided view on our world. It also does not take the influence of the Internet on society and therefore the works of the Post-Internet artists into consideration.

Keeping this in mind, Lin Ke’s work bares specific significance: Lin Ke is coming from a rural background; he then went on to be trained as an artist in new media and performance art. An epiphany for his artistic process was, when the folders on his Apple OS started talking to him. This “vision” was the starting point for a series of works like the one collected in this book. If you are now browsing through his works, you will get an insight into the artist’s daily routines. Getting a sneak into the internal structures and connection of his works, gives you also a feeling for the playfulness and fun that is involved, while seeing that there is still a certain mystery carefully hidden. Lin Ke breaks the strict distinction between the Internet and reality. His videos are never criticizing nor opposing anything, but rather this duality becomes part of his works in a light and unburdened way.

After his solo exhibition in 2014, Lin Ke had many offers for follow up exhibitions and received several prizes that show the positive feedback and immense interest in his video performances. Coming from a rather traditional perspective of aesthetical expectations towards art, we might still need some time to get used to his visual language until we can fully embrace “The Brave New World”. But through Lin Ke’s works we get a new perspective onto this changed world. For us, the present might still be something we have to become familiar with, but this is fine as long as we still try to come to terms with exploring and enjoying these possibilities of discovering.