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Wanakio 2003: Trans_Academy in Okinawa

The Wanakio Trans_Academy is the educational section of the Wanakio Project and provides a platform for learning about contemporary culture outside the normal academic structure. The Trans_Academy is closely tied to the other Wanakio activities and thus directly linked to the productive process of creating art works and of organizing an international art exhibition.

The “trans” in Trans_Academy stands for an educational concept that crosses the usual borders between different majors and genres. Mainly directed at the volunteer staff, but open to every body interested, a variety of themes are discussed in an open manner and directly related to real projects in the wanakio context. People from diverse backgrounds that participated in the Wanakio Project held lectures, seminars and workshops as part of the Trans_Academy.

There were five weekend sessions with a “Trans-Seminar” on Saturdays and a thematic session on Sunday. Besides concentrated seminars, the Trans_Academy featured artists’ talks, workshops, urban exploration hikes around Naha and a round table discussions at the end of each session.
While the seminars provided a more focused environment for studying, the round tables offered an opportunity for a wider discussion of the selected topics.

BizArt as a member of IAN was invited to make a presentation and Song Tao was in residency in Okinawa for a month. Song Tao presented an installation during the Wanakio event.

Trans-Academy Contents:
Trans disciplinary seminar on the background, the wider context of the Wanakio Project and the potential of such an integrated approach towards contemporary cultural activities in the urban context

1. Session Education for Creativity – 2003.11.1 (Sat.)
Session about the potential of creative educational concepts for the development of an integral personality. Especially the focus lies on creative workshops with children that focus on re-discovering the living environment by means of creative expression and sensual training.
Seminar tutors: Etsuji Yoshida (University of the Ryukyus)

2. Session Managing Creative Contents – 2003.11.8 Sat.)
Session about the management aspect of art and contemporary culture in general. What are the conditions for producing, financing and presenting contemporary cultural contents in Japan.
Seminar tutors: Emiko Kato (independent curator, Rice+ Tokyo), Taneo Kato (Asahi Art Foundation)

3. Session Contemporary Okinawa – 2003.11.15 (Sat.)
Session by the Okinawan photographer Toyomitsu Higa who has been visually documenting the change in Okinawa’s social and urban landscape over the past 30 years.
Seminar tutors: Toyomitsu Higa (photographer Okinawa)

4. Session Asian Networks – Re-connecting Contemporary Art and Regional Society – 2003.11.22 (Sat.)
Session on the recently emerging contemporary art and culture scene around Asia. Special focus is put on artists and alternative art spaces that establish a local network and relate their activities to the local societies they are part of.
Seminar tutors: Roger McDonald (AIT Tokyo)

Symposium Creative Naha – 2003.11.24 (Mon.)
Session #1 Asian Art Networks 
Session on the current developments and the potential of a distinct asian contemporary alternative art scene.
Panelists: Davide Quadrio (Bizart, Shanghai), Roger McDonald (AIT Tokyo), others

Session #2 
Session on chances and problems in urban development around Okinawa. Focus is put on the potential of art and contemporary culture to create a rich and livable future environment that is based on the local cultural traditions.
Panelists: Titus Spree, Joshikazu Makishi, others children art workshops.

A series of workshop for children that focused on rediscovering urban environments peculiar to Okinawa. Organized by participating artists and a network of students and teachers from various Okinawan universities.

Wanakio Artwork Guide Seminar
A seminar organized by the Ryu•Do•Tai, a local NPO, providing education for cultural volunteers. Naha rediscovery hike, 
A number of town walks guided by Joshikazu Makishi in to the depth of urban Naha.