Panel Discussion on Photography at SH Contemporary
Photography Update: The New Generation—Alchemists in the Last and Next Decade
Time: September 10th, 2011 from 4:00 to 6:00 pm
Location: Glamour Bar, 20 Guangdong Rd, Huangpu, Shanghai
SH Contemporary this year sees the launch of a new photography section, with a group of specialized international galleries, solo shows and the establishment of the Asia Pacific Photography Prize (APPP). The award is dedicated to the most recent production of Asia Pacific artists and to artists who have developed Asia Pacific related projects. Among those exhibiting at the fair, 25 different galleries submitted new works by 36 artists. The 5,000 euros prize will be granted to one artist only by an international jury composed of artist Olivo Barbieri, curators Christopher Phillips and Emma Reeves and editor Shaway Yeh.
The photography focus of the fair is concluded by a panel session hosted by M on the Bund on the last day of SH Contemporary: “Photography Update: The New Generation, Alchemists in the Last and Next Decade.”
The panel session will include: Birdhead (artist collective), Chen Wei (artist), Liu Gang (artist), Steven Harris (Director of M97 Gallery Shanghai), Yang Pei Ming (collector for Propaganda Poster Art Centre Shanghai), Leo Xu (curator and gallerist), Olivo Barbieri (artist, APPP jury member) and Emma Reeves (editor and curator, APPP jury member). Moderated by Defne Ayas of Arthub Asia and Massimo Torrigiani, fair Director.
The panel will look at the past, present and future exciting shifts in the aesthetics and culture of photography. In an age when billions of pictures are produced yearly, who are the key players re-imagining the art of photography? Who are the alchemists who can invent an original, personal, instantly recognizable visual style?
A lot still needs to be done to assess the importance and increase the value of contemporary Chinese and Asian photography among the region’s art professionals, art lovers and collectors as photography is often considered ancillary to other artistic practices. And still of lesser economic (and speculative) value. Photography Update is a round-table on the changing landscape in contemporary photography in the past decade in China and around the globe. How does the new generation of Chinese artistic photographers see the world? Where do they draw their inspiration from? How do editors, curators and collectors cope with the impact of Internet on the modes of production, exhibition, distribution and reception of photography? How does all this change the way we think of curating, collecting and preserving photography?
Join us to discuss all of these issues and more!