Inter-City Pavilions for the 9th Shanghai Biennale
On the occasion of the launch of the 9th Shanghai Biennale Reactivation, the Shanghai Inter-City Pavilions Project focuses on the interesting connections and energy exchange between people and cultures which, in today’s globalized world, are more likely to be identified within local communities rather than in national contexts. In many ways cities are metaphorical individuals that are populated with particular individualistic temperaments.
Shanghai in its quest to become an international city, considered by many a foreign city in China, can find its own identity through a confrontation with other places, harbors and friends. The city has chosen to portray its contemporary status of art in a non-generic way, rather in the punctual and relevant projects presented in each pavilion. So, despite this general and global tendency of amalgamation and simplification, the City Pavilions Project stands as a memento of independence of the extraordinary locale. The individuality as an irreplaceable fragment of a bigger picture, with no pretensions of representing the whole, gives a glimpse, suggesting one of the many possible interpretations as a verse of a much more complicated poem.
Supervised by: The 9th Shanghai Biennale chief curator Qiu Zhijie and co-curators Boris Groys, Jens Hoffman and Johnson Chang Tsong-zung.
Organized by: The Organizing Committee of Shanghai Biennale; managed by Davide Quadrio, Francesca Girelli and Huang Mi. In collaboration with Shanghai Huangpu district government.
The cities presented are in alphabetical order and followed by the curatorial team/organization:
Amsterdam Henk Slager, Auckland Vincent Ward, Bandung Agung Jennong/Charles Esche/Defne Ayas/Davide Quadrio, Barcelona Julia Morandeira, Berlin Peter Anders, Bogota Juan Andres Gaitan, BrooklynCleopatra’s, Daejeon Kim Jiyon, Dakar Koyo Kouoh, Detroit Rebecca Mazzei, Diankou Qiu Zhefeng, Dusseldorf Beate Reifenscheid, Qi Yang, Istanbul Defne Ayas/Davide Quadrio, Lille Metropole Pierre Giner, Lima Jose Carlos Mariategui, Jorge Villacorta, Los Angeles Lauri Firstenberg, Mexico City, Magali Arriola, Daniela Perez, Moscow Nikolai Molok, Mumbai Diana Campbell/Susan Hapgood, Palermo Laura Barreca/Davide Quadrio, Pittsburgh Chelsea Haines, Rhone-Alpes (Lyon) Thierry Raspail, San Francisco Chris Fitzpatrick, Sao Paulo Adriano Pedrosa, Sendai Shimizu Tamotsu/Kai Kenji, SydneyAaron Seto/Toby Chapman, Tehran Nina Moaddel/Benham Kamrani, Ulan Bator Uranchimeg (Orna) Tsultem and Vancouver Daina Augaitis.
All artists participating are:
Alberto Baraya, Ali Shirazi, Alireza Astaneh, Alireza Karami, all participants of “WASUREN,”Sendai Mediatheque, Anatoly Osmolovsky, Andrei Filippov, Annaïk Lou, Pitteloud,Annika Eriksson, Arman Stepanian, Artemio, Bababa International, Behnam Kamrani, Brian Jungen, Brook Andrew, Carla Zaccagnini, Carolina Caycedo, Ch. Baasanjav, Chen Dandan, Cho HyeJin, Choi Tae-Yoon, Chris Rice, Citizens in Diankou, Claudia Fernández, Club Moral, D. Uurintuya, Dmitry Gutov, Duto Hardono/Meiro Koizumi, Eduardo Abaroa, Einoddin Sadeghzadeh, Elif Uras, Emeka Ogboh, Emma Dante, Falke Pisano, Farhad Fozooni, Fatou Kandé Senghor, Formafantasma, Francesco Simeti, Francis Alÿs, Frank Chu, Frank Pahl, Gabriel Sierra, Ghorban Ali Ajali, Golnaz Fathi, Gong Lin, Gordon Matta-Clark, Guo Hongwei, Guy Mees, Gyan Panchal, Haleem “Stringz” Rasul, Hemali Bhuta, Hossein Zenderoudi, Huang Baoxia, Iswanto Hartono / Raqs Media Collective J. Bolortuvshin, Jef Cornelis, Jeremiah Day, Ji Dong, Johannes auf der Lake, Jon Robin, Jose Carlos Martinat, Julieta Aranda, Kang Hyun-Wook, Kaushik Mukhopadhyay, Khaled Sabsabi, Laboratorio Saccardi, Lee Kit, Lǘ Chengliang, Luc Deleu, Manfredi Beninati, Manish Nai, Mansi Bhatt, Marc Desgrandchamps, Massimo Bartolini, Mehran Mohajer, Milena Bonilla, Miralda, Mitzi Pederson, Mohammad Ehsai, Muhammed Akbar, Mounira AL-Solh , Mahmoud Khaled, DidemOzbek, Surasi Kusolwond, Wang Wei and Hafiz, Nasrollah Afjei, Navid Azimi, Neha Choksi, Ni Yirong, Nicolas Paris, Nicoline van Harskamp, Otobong Nkanga, Pablo Bartholomew, Pierre Giner, Post Brothers, Qi Yang, Qian Dongsheng, Qiu Zhefeng, Raquel Ormella, Raumlaborberlin (Mr. Benjamin Foster-Baldenius, Mr. Florian Stirnemann), Robert Combas, Rozita Sharafjahan, Ruan Xin, Sadegh Tabrizi, Sedaghat Jabbari, Semiha Berksoy, Sh. Chimeddorj, Shahrzad Changalvaee, Sharmila Samant, Shaun Gladwell, Shen Shaomin, Shilpa Gupta, Stefania Galegati, Steve Van den Bosch, Syagini Ratna Wulan / Yason Banal, T. Enkhbold, T.O.P. Office, Tania Pérez, Tercerunquinto, The Hinterlands, The Residents, Thomas Stricker, Touré Mandémory, Ts. Ariuntugs, Ts. Enkhjin,Ts. Munkhjin, Tu Jiaqi, Vanessa Beecroft, Vincent Ward, Walead Beshty, Wang Qi, Will Rogan, Wiyoga Muhardanto/Arin Rungjang, Xiao Liang, Yu Anna, Yuri Albert, Zarouhie Abdalian and Zeb Smith.
Power Station Of Art, 200 Huayuangang Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai, P.R. China
Yuanmingyuan Road on the Bund, Union Church, Lycenm Building, Associate Mission Building, Yuanmingyuan Apartments.
East Beijing Road, Yifeng Galleria
Huqiu Road Rockbund Museum RAM studio
East Nanjing Road Mac Millan Building, Central Building
Press and information: shanghaibiennale@126.com
Telephone: +86 21 31278535
For more information on the Shanghai Biennale please see here.